About comparison listing ads

Off the radar


  1. RR Donnelley Language Services (USD 71.4 million)  – acquired by SDL
  2. Xplanation (USD 31.8 million, Belgium) – acquired by LanguageWire
  3. Telelingua (USD 33.8 million, Belgium)- acquired by Acolad Group
  4. AAC Global (USD 18 million, Finland) – acquired by Acolad Group
  5. HL Trad (USD 18.6 million, France) – acquired by Acolad Group

Moved to Watchlist

The following companies did not release or publish up-to-date figures and we moved them from the Top 100 to Watchlist

  1. Mission Essential Personnel
  2. Global Linguist Solutions
  3. Verztec
  4. SunFlare Co
  5. TvCN
  6. Jonckers
  7. InDemand Interpreting
  8. MultiLingual Solutions
  9. Japanese Assistance Network
  10. Nordisk Undertext
  11. ICA Language Services
  12. Hero Tolk
  13. A.D.T. International


In deciding to start a classifieds site, I searched on line for as many scripts as I could, and then saved them all into a folder.
Day by day over several weeks it was a process of elimination.
In the end there were 2 left standing, and it was a tough gig to pick a winner, even though flynax was a few more dollars my gut took me in that direction.
All I can say is the hype about support is the real deal, the guys do back up with help and are brilliant.
The platform is a little confusing if your a complete newbie at classifieds but very easy to pick up on and put together a very professional site in a short time.
The only problems I face now are finding some more good domain names and getting a few more of these sites up and running.


Делегирование полномочий на сброс паролей и разблокировку учетных записей

Представим, наша задача – предоставить группе HelpDesk право на сброс пароля и разблокировку аккаунтов пользователей в домене. Итак, :

Добавьте в группу нужных пользователей:

Запустите консоль Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC), щелкните ПКМ по OU с пользователями (в нашем примере это ‘OU=Users,OU=Moscow,DC=corp,dc=winitpro,DC=ru’) и выберите пункт меню Delegate Control.

Выберите группу, которой вы хотите предоставить административные полномочия.

Выберите из списка один из преднастроенных наборов привилегий (Delegate the following common tasks):

  • Create, delete, and manage user accounts;
  • Reset user passwords and force password change at next logon;
  • Read all user information;
  • Create, delete and manage groups;
  • Modify the membership of a group;
  • Manage Group Policy links;
  • Generate Resultant Set of Policy (Planning);
  • Generate Resultant Set of Policy (Logging);
  • Create, delete, and manage inetOrgPerson accounts;
  • Reset inetOrgPerson passwords and force password change at next logon;
  • Read all inetOrgPerson information.

Либо создайте собственное задание делегирования (Create a custom task to delegate). Я выберу второй вариант.

Выберите тип объектов AD, на которые нужно предоставить права. Т.к. нам нужно предоставить права на учетные записи пользователей, выберите пункт User Object. Если вы хотите предоставить право на создание и удаление пользователей в этом OU, выберите опции Create/Delete selected objects in this folder. В нашем примере мы не предоставляем таких полномочий.

В списке разрешений нужно выбрать те привилегий, которые вы хотите делегировать. В нашем примере мы выберем право на разблокировку (Read lockoutTime и Write lockoutTime) и сброс пароля (Reset password).

Для поиска источника блокировки аккаунтов в домене службой поддержки пользователей нужно предоставить право поиска по журналам на контроллерах домена.

Нажмите Next и на последнем экране подтвердите назначение выбранных полномочий.

Теперь под учетной записью пользователя из группы HelpDesk попробуйте из PowerShell сбросить пароль пользователя из OU Users, например из PowerShell:

Пароль должен сброситься успешно (если он соответствует доменной политике паролей).

Теперь попробуйте создать пользователя в данной OU с помомью командлета New-ADUser:

Должна появится ошибка доступа, т.к. полномочий на создание учетных записей вы не делегировали.

Для контроля пользователям, которым вы делегированными привилегии, вы можете использовать журналы контроллеров домена. Например, вы можете отследить кто сбросил пароль пользователя в домене, узнать кто создал учетную запись пользователя в AD или отследить изменения в определённых группах AD.

Установка RSAT в Windows 10 с помощью PowerShell

Вы можете установить компоненты администрирования RSAT с помощью PowerShell. В этом примере мы покажем, как управлять компонентами RSAT в Windows 10 1903.

С помощью следующей команды можно проверить, установлены ли компоненты RSAT в вашем компьютере:

Можно представить статус установленных компонентов RSAT в более удобной таблице:

Как вы видите, компоненты RSAT не установлены (NotPresent).

Для установки данных опций Windows можно использовать командлет Add-WindowsCapacity.

Чтобы установить конкретный инструмент RSAT, например инструменты управления AD (в том числе консоль ADUC и модуль Active Directory для Windows Powershell), выполните команду:

Для установки консоли управления DNS и модуля PowerShell DNSServer, выполните:

И т.д.

Чтобы установить сразу все доступные инструменты RSAT, выполните:

Чтобы установить только отсутствующие компоненты RSAT, выполните:

Теперь убедитесь, что инструменты RSAT установлены (статус Installed);

После этого установленные инструменты RSAT отобразятся в панели Manage Optional Features.


New arrivals on the Nimdzi 100

  • Canadian Translation Bureau – USD 82 million. The Translation Bureau provides translations for the government departments and Parliamentarian sectors. One of the largest translation organizations in the world, the Bureau released revenue figures for the first time.
  • Akagane – USD 29 million. This is a documentation company in Japan with a portfolio translation work. Identified through official disclose.
  • MotionPoint – USD 28 million. A website translation company with a web proxy solution and more than 200 people on staff. We estimated MotionPoint’s figures based on their disclosure in US government contracts and interviews.
  • CinemaNext localization group – USD 25 million. A part of Ymagis group that provides services to the Film and TV industry, CinemaNext’s localization operation has been disclosed in an annual report. With USD 25 million in localization revenue, Ymagis should be considered as one of the world’s leading players in this area.
  • Rev.com – USD 21 million. A fast-growing transcription, captioning and subtitling platform that rivals One Hour Translation and Translated by volume of business.
  • QLoc – USD 17 million (e). A Polish game services company created by Russian video game publisher 1C Games. Qloc provides engineering, testing, and localization.
  • Crimson Interactive – USD 14  million. A US-headquartered fast-growing LSP of medium size with focused on tech companies, elearning, books, medical/scientific, and advanced manufacturing.
  • Chizai corporation – USD 13.6 million (e). A patent filing and translation company in Japan.
  • LCI Group – USD 12 million (e). Linguistique Communication Informatique is a French professional services group that provides development and technical writing alongside localization. We estimated the size based on news publications.

Exceeded USD 10 million this year:

  • Summa Linguae – build & buy specialist based in Poland.
  • Language Connect – UK fast-growing LSP acquired by a client company.
  • E2F – French translation specialists headquartered in the United States.
  • STP – specialists in providing Nordic languages to other LSPs.
  • EasyTranslate – Danish platform company that won a USD 79 million interpreting contract.
  • PTIGlobal – translation and technical writing company based in Portland, the United States.
  • Human Science – Japanese IT translations company active in the United States.


http-equiv=»Content-Type» content=»text/html;charset=UTF-8″>lass=»plugin-reviews»>

Plugin comes with a lot of options, support team very helpful. Thank you.

This plug-in allows me to insert ads on hundreds of pages/posts with a few clicks. I find this convenient.

un poco complicada de usar pero muy potente

Great plugin!

Verry good

This plugin has made life very easier. Earlier we used to copy and paste the ad code under header.php, but due to this brilliant plugin we have been got rid out of it, very simple to paste the code where ever you want to display the ad on your entire content. Thanks to developer of this plugin.

Встречается в статьях


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  2. Как настроить OpenVPN с аутентификацией через LDAP
  3. Установка и настройка Remote Desktop Gateway на Windows Server
  4. SSH на CentOS 7 через Active Directory
  5. Как установить и настроить Project Server 2010
  6. Как настраивать терминальный сервер
  7. Установка и настройка OpenVPN на CentOS
  8. Как настроить сервер OpenVPN на Windows
  9. Установка и настройка FTP-сервера vsFTPd на CentOS 7
  10. Как установить и настроить iRedMail на Linux CentOS
  11. Настройка портала TeamPass для совместного хранения паролей
  12. Инструкция по установке и использованию GLPI на Linux CentOS
  13. Установка и настройка OpenVPN на Ubuntu Server
  14. Установка Openfire на Ubuntu для мгновенного обмена сообщениями
  15. Установка XMPP-сервера Openfire на CentOS для мгновенного обмена сообщениями
  16. Установка и настройка файлового сервера Samba на CentOS 8
  17. Настройка L2TP VPN-сервера на CentOS 8 для возможности подкючения стандартными средствами Windows
  18. Установка и настройка WSUS — сервера обновлений продуктов Microsoft


  1. Как работать с общими календарями в MS Exchange
  2. Управление FSMO через powershell
  3. Как создать почтовый контакт в Exchange Server
  4. Как добавить фотографию в Exchange
  5. Как включить аудит доступа к файлам
  6. Как установить роль контроллера домена
  7. Работа с пользователями Active Directory с помощью Powershell
  8. Управление группами Microsoft Active Directory из командной строки Powershell
  9. Сертификат для Linux в центре сертификации Active Directory Certificate Services
  10. Как ограничить время RDP-сессий на терминальном сервере
  11. Как запускать скрипты Powershell через групповую политику (GPO)
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  16. Инструкция по работе со схемой службы каталогов Active Directory
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  21. Установка сервера для сбора тревожных событий Alerta на Linux Ubuntu
  22. Как настроить доверительные отношения между доменами Active Directory
  23. Настройка аутентификации Grafana через Active Directory
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  29. Установка и использование сервера Freeradius на Linux CentOS 8
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  31. Понизить контроллера домена до рядового сервера

Примеры моих работ:

  1. Установка сервера резервного копирования на базе Symantec Backup Exec
  2. Установка сервера инвентаризации на базе OCS Inventory

Traditional translation generalists maintained double-digit growth

The industry’s largest LSP, TransPerfect, grew 14.6%, and brought in almost USD 90 million organically, an amazing feat. However, it is not the only example of good growth. Other traditional translation companies with an established position, a portfolio of clients in regulated industries, and a strong sales force have achieved above average performance.

Company name Revenue (USD million) Growth, %
TransPerfect 705.0 14.60
Lionbridge 647.0 9.60
Welocalize 227.0 13.40
AMPLEXOR 180.2 11.90
STAR Group 177.5 7.80
United Language Group 92.0 16.50
Ubiqus 86.9 12.00
Morningside Translations 48.7 13.70

An excellent year

2018 was a momentous year for large language service providers. The revenues of the leading companies grew by 18% from 2017 to 2018, significantly more than the previous year’s rate of 12%. The increase largely comes from mergers and acquisitions, reflecting consolidation in the LSP business. The top 10 companies on the Nimdzi 100 now generate more revenue than the next 90.

The organic growth rate among the leaders was markedly lower. We recorded a 10.8% growth rate year-on-year over a sample of medium to large traditional translation and interpreting companies with combined revenues in excess of USD 3 billion. Due to a stronger position, and expertise in sales, the leading companies grew faster than the general market and gained market share.

Reddit Ads

Reddit ads are advertisements featuring a headline title, destination URL, and an optional photo. Reddit ads work on a bid-based system, in which advertisers can set campaign budgets and choose how long they want their campaign to run for. Reddit ads allow for some unique targeting options and are often fairly cheap, with low cost-per-impressions.

What really makes Reddit ads unique are the comments and voting – users can upvote or downvote your ad, giving advertisers an easy read on if users like or dislike an ad. Each ad, like all other posts on Reddit, has a comment section. This can be useful for advertisers because it allows users to provide direct feedback that goes straight to the advertiser.

The best Reddit ads take their audience into consideration – Reddit is predominantly frequented by a young, tech-savvy audience, mostly males. On a whole, the Reddit community is very wary of blatant marketing, so posting a Reddit advertisement can be a bit like playing with fire. If done properly, Reddit ads can bring a lot of attention for low cost. You can advertise on Reddit through their website.

Other promising types of companies

Documentation specialists — companies that write technical documentation and then translate it. This model is especially popular in Japan, where these services are bundled with printing, and in Germany. Examples include Crestec, Yamagata, and itl AG in Germany. Ubiqus in France derives about half of their revenue from legal documentation services. 

Video game services companies — capitalizing on a long-term boom in video games, these companies provide services to developers and publishers, including localization, testing and porting games from iOS to Android.  The list of leading providers includes Poletowin Pitcrew Holdings, Keywords Studios, Testronic, Qloc, and Mogi Group. While the whole spectrum of services needed by game developers makes up a market worth billions of dollars, we estimate localization revenue at USD 330 million a year.

How to set up Comparison Listing ads

Before you begin

  • Create a Comparison Shopping Service account. Learn more about how to sign up as a Comparison Shopping Service
  • Activate a Google Ads account for Comparison Listing ads. You’ll need to associate it with your main CSS multi-client account in Merchant Center. Contact your CSS account manager for this step.
  • Link the Google Ads account to the Merchant Center account(s) with the offers that you’d like to use for your Comparison Listing ads. Learn more about linking accounts
  • Meet the requirements for a Shopping campaign. Learn about the requirements
  • Create a Shopping campaign for your Comparison Listing ad. Learn how to create a Shopping campaign

Step 1: Create a Comparison Listing campaign and ad group

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click Campaigns in the page menu to go to the campaigns page.
  3. Click the plus button and select New campaign.
  4. Select the goal Website traffic or continue without setting a goal.
  5. Select the Merchant Center account that you’d like to use offers from (this can be your main CSS multi-client account or any other account associated with your CSS) and the country of sale that you want to target. This country needs to be within the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. You can’t change the country of sale after you’ve created the campaign.
  6. Select Comparison Listing as the subtype of this campaign and click Next.
  7. Choose settings for the campaign:
    • Campaign name. Enter a name for the campaign. You’ll use this name to find the campaign later. You can change the name after the campaign has been created.
    • Average daily budget. Select how much you’re willing to spend on this campaign.
    • Locations. You can use this setting to limit where your ads show to specific locations. You can change this setting after the campaign has been created.
  8. Choose settings for the ad group:
    • Ad group name. Enter a name for the ad group. You’ll use this name to find the ad group.
    • Bid. Enter the bid for the ad group. This is the cost-per-click bid that will be applied to your Comparison Listing ad. You can change the bid at any time on the ‘Ad groups’ page of the campaign. You’ll pay when someone clicks on your ad.
    • Product groups. Choose which products will appear in your ad by selecting product groups. You can create additional levels on the ‘Product groups’ page once the campaign has been created. Here are some important tools that you can use to help target your products to your ad for the best effect.

      • Subdivide your product groups. You can subdivide the first product group, ‘All products’, to create a more targeted set of products. You can also use CLA custom labels, which are exclusively available for Comparison Listing ads campaigns. Learn about subdividing product groups
      • Exclude product groups containing products that you don’t want to be shown with your ad.
  9. Click Save and continue.

You should have at least eight highly relevant products in your ad group in order to surface a Comparison Listing ad. However, it is recommended that you have 1,000 products or more in your ad group. This will allow your ads to be shown in response to the highest number of queries.

Step 2: Create a Comparison Listing ad

  1. Add the text for the ad:

Headline. The headline is a short text that helps people notice your ad. Include 25 to 45 characters.

  1. Add landing page information:

Final URL. The final URL is the URL of the landing page that you want people to visit after they click on your ad. The landing page that you choose needs to be relevant to your ad and the products that you’re advertising with the ad. Include the {shopping_context} ValueTrack parameter, which will allow you to increase the relevance of the landing page. See also the minimum requirements above. (Note: You may use one or several click trackers, but they need to ultimately redirect to a landing page on your CSS website domain.)

  1. Preview the ad on the right side of the panel. Remember that the products shown together with your Comparison Listing ad are influenced by search terms. Note: To show more relevant ads, it is recommended that you create an ad for each relevant category page on your site.
  2. When you’ve finished making changes, click Save and continue.

Fix ads.txt issues in AdSense

If there’s an issue with ads.txt on your site, you’ll see an alert in your AdSense account. To prevent severe impact to your revenue, follow the relevant steps below to fix the issue.

Note: It may take a few days for your changes to be reflected in AdSense. If your site doesn’t make many ad requests it may take up to a month.

Create an ads.txt file for your site

AdSense provides a personalized ads.txt file that you can download from your account. The personalized ads.txt file includes your publisher ID. Your publisher ID must be included and formatted correctly for your ads.txt file to be verified.

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. If there’s an alert on your homepage, click Fix now. Otherwise, click Sites.
  3. Click the Down arrow  to open the «Create an ads.txt file for…» message.
  4. Click Download. Your ads.txt file is automatically downloaded.
  5. (Optional) If you’re using another ad network, remember to add that network to your ads.txt file. Contact your ad network for their ads.txt information.
  6. Upload your ads.txt file to the root directory of your site. The root directory of a site is the directory or folder following the top level domain (example.com/ads.txt).

    To verify that you published your file correctly, check that you successfully see your file’s content when you access the ads.txt URL (https://example.com/ads.txt) in your web browser. If you can see the file in your web browser, it’s likely that AdSense will successfully find it.

Add your publisher ID to an ads.txt file

If your publisher ID is missing from your ads.txt file, you can copy it from your account and add it to your ads.txt file.

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. If there’s an alert on your homepage, click Fix now. Otherwise, click Sites.
  3. Click the Down arrow to open the «Add your publisher ID to these ads.txt files» message.
  4. Click Copy.
  5. Paste the line into each of your ads.txt files.

    Your ads.txt file should now look like this, where is your own publisher ID:

Note: Your ads.txt file must be formatted as specified by the IAB Tech Lab in order to be verified. If you need additional help, review the ads.txt specification.

Inventory management

Ads.txt guide

Next: Troubleshooting ads.txt issues

Authorized Digital Sellers, or ads.txt is an IAB Tech Lab initiative that helps ensure that your digital ad inventory is only sold through sellers (such as AdSense) who you’ve identified as authorized. Creating your own ads.txt file gives you more control over who’s allowed to sell ads on your site and helps prevent counterfeit inventory from being presented to advertisers.

We strongly recommend that you use an ads.txt file. It can help buyers identify counterfeit inventory and help you receive more advertiser spend that might have otherwise gone toward that counterfeit inventory.

Fix ads.txt issues in AdSense

If there’s an issue with ads.txt on your site, you’ll see an alert in your AdSense account. To prevent severe impact to your revenue, follow the relevant steps below to fix the issue.

Note: It may take a few days for your changes to be reflected in AdSense. If your site doesn’t make many ad requests it may take up to a month.

Create an ads.txt file for your site

AdSense provides a personalized ads.txt file that you can download from your account. The personalized ads.txt file includes your publisher ID. Your publisher ID must be included and formatted correctly for your ads.txt file to be verified.

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. If there’s an alert on your homepage, click Fix now. Otherwise, click Sites.
  3. Click the Down arrow  to open the «Create an ads.txt file for…» message.
  4. Click Download. Your ads.txt file is automatically downloaded.
  5. (Optional) If you’re using another ad network, remember to add that network to your ads.txt file. Contact your ad network for their ads.txt information.
  6. Upload your ads.txt file to the root directory of your site. The root directory of a site is the directory or folder following the top level domain (example.com/ads.txt).

    To verify that you published your file correctly, check that you successfully see your file’s content when you access the ads.txt URL (https://example.com/ads.txt) in your web browser. If you can see the file in your web browser, it’s likely that AdSense will successfully find it.

Add your publisher ID to an ads.txt file

If your publisher ID is missing from your ads.txt file, you can copy it from your account and add it to your ads.txt file.

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. If there’s an alert on your homepage, click Fix now. Otherwise, click Sites.
  3. Click the Down arrow to open the «Add your publisher ID to these ads.txt files» message.
  4. Click Copy.
  5. Paste the line into each of your ads.txt files.

    Your ads.txt file should now look like this, where is your own publisher ID:

Note: Your ads.txt file must be formatted as specified by the IAB Tech Lab in order to be verified. If you need additional help, review the ads.txt specification.

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